heya.hi my name is doodle/alcatel, or whatever you want to call me (not pet names.)i honestly dont care what you call me pronoun wise, because im awesome.this is my website, and its pretty bonkers, if you want to contact me, or hell, maybe even be friends, my socials are down at the bottom.some funny things im apart of/projects im making:
DOODLEALCATEL from the NOT Sleep Deprived Podcast
braindead (a single by yours truly)
LOPsided (a silly web series)
somewhatmaybetrue (a youtube series in progress)
AAA BATTERIES (a dysfunctional trio)

do not interact list.1.) racist or homophobic, if you are, i hate you.
2.) if you are ableist, if you are, i hate your guts. you sicken me.
3.) if you are a nerd. if you are get the FREAK out of here! (joking ofc)
4.) anddddddd refer to #3

me ^
im so FREAKING awesome
socials : (ps dont be afraid to DM/contact me!!!!!!!!!)